When I asked God what he wanted me to write about I did not get an answer. That is not to say there aren’t still lots of topics where I have been an over comer. I just want to hear from Him, because when the anointing comes the words flow and I find the writing is much easier.
As I continued to ask for his guidance he began to whisper forgiveness in my ear, and oh yes, I was afraid that was going to happen. One of the hardest obstacles we as Christians have to hurdle is un-forgiveness and forgiveness, and I’m no different.
It’s not enough for me to humble myself as I have never humbled myself before, but now God, you want me to tell it on the World Wide Web (www). You will see what I mean as you read further.
Please remember as you read this I am still a work in progress. I have been called and redeemed by the blood of Jesus, forgiven of my sins because of that blood he shed on the cross, and filled with the Holy Spirit that was sent after Jesus ascended into heaven and sit down at the right hand of the Father. That is called relationship with Jesus, being changed day by day and year by year from the inside out so as to look more like Him.
I will call the characters in this story by names that are not their own.
Dan Seaborn quotes from an article called, “Can You Ever Forgive Me:”,
“Forgiveness is freeing your spirit, heart and mind. Forgiveness is taking care of you and restoring your relationship with God to wholeness.”
God had a reason when he said in, Ephesians 4:26
26 “In your anger do not sin,:
Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”
God had a reason when he said in, Ephesians 4:26
26 “In your anger do not sin,:
Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”
He didn’t say I would never get angry just be careful it does not control me or the out come, because issues will build up and become blown totally out of proportion if not dealt with soon.
This is what happened to me. Lovell and I thought we were doing a good thing for someone we knew, I’ll call Maggie. Most of her life she lived in substandard housing, in neighborhoods that were less than desirable. These homes and apartments were rotting around her with bug infestations that would be intolerable for any of us. This was the normal way of life for her.
In this particular neighborhood danger was becoming evident by the numerous police calls and she was becoming afraid to be at home. Lovell and I talked the situation over and found it within our means to purchase a nice 3 bedroom home in a safe neighborhood.
We were able to get the home declared a HUD home and we as the home owners could charge what ever we wanted but HUD would only reimburse a said amount. Lovell and I agreed Maggie would live there rent free only having to pay the utilities.
The home needed some repairs but we were up to the challenge. That was when we had lots more energy and stamina than we do now.
We purchased the supplies, climbed on the roof and with the help of Lovell’s brothers replaced it with a new one. Lovell and I repainted the whole interior of the house, replaced the kitchen and dining room tiles, shampooed the carpets and scrubbed every inch of the house that could be scrubbed. We even let Maggie choose the paint colors.
I was about to get new furniture for my home so I passed my used furniture on to her. We were so happy for Maggie and I think she was happy too at first.
When moving day arrived Lovell and I were there to move her into the safe, clean and bug free home.
After settling Maggie into her new home we soon began to get phone calls from her complaining about the central air and heating system. She could never figure out how to use the thermostat to control the temperature even after showing her on numerous occasions. Maggie was never happy with the garage door and its operation, this from a woman who never had a garage or central air or heat.
During this time Maggie was grieving over a man I’ll call Don. She met and fell in love with him, but soon landed back in prison for parole violations, if my memory serves me correctly. Maggie thought only of the day he would return so she and Don could get married.
Various complaints kept coming regarding the house and Lovell and I began to wonder if we had made a mistake. As good as the idea was to get her out of the neighborhood she was previously in; we did not ask God for his direction. I think this might be a problem with a lot of of us Christians where problem seem to ensue as a result.
Scripture states in Proverbs 3:5-6 5 Trust in the LORD with all your
heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your
paths straight.
In other words just because it sounds good and looks good does not always play out for the best. Submit your plan to the Lord and let Him direct you. If He says okay and you have peace move forward, but continually bring the venture before Him for guidance and direction. Obviously from what you are reading we did not consult the Lord about this venture nor did we pray about it along the way.
How many times does God have to take us around the same block before we get it in our heads to seek him first about decisions we want to make. Well for me, there have been many times I’m sorry to say.
Early in the year of 1992 Don was released from prison and moved into the house with her. He obtained a job and plans were being made for a May wedding. Maggie finally began to show signs of happiness.
During this time Lovell and I applied to HUD for an increase in the amount of money they were allowing for the home.
Following approval of the increase a letter was sent to Maggie from HUD indicating the amount HUD was paying to the homeowner (us) for the use of the home was going to increase, and her rent might as well. Remember earlier I said she was not paying any rent, only utilities.
Maggie became irate, she came to my job at Baptist Hospital – Orange and wanted to know the meaning of the letter. She stood in the hallway outside my office, and in a raised voice accused Lovell and me of underhanded attempts to raise the rent because Don was there. I tried to explain but she did not want to listen or she did not understand the contract. The increase was what HUD was going to pay us for the use of the home, and we could charge any amount for the rent.
There was no appeasing her and finally I just had to ask her to leave. She yelled at me until she got on the elevator to leave. I was mortified and hurt that she would do such a thing after all we had done.
A few months later the wedding took place and Lovell and I were invited. The atmosphere was cool to say the least and nothing was said of the past events.
As time passed the garage door became more of a thorn in her side. Maggie had it replaced because she backed into it with her car. She replaced the door at her expense and without our knowledge. She also had a garage door opener installed.
I will skip forward and say she never recovered from her thoughts of Lovell and me trying to take advantage of her. Even though we never charged any rent or up keep on the home.
She and her husband found another house and moved out without telling us. We never knew the reason they moved, but when they left they trashed the house and left trash that we had to haul away. This was the house we purchased for her and worked so hard to make nice for her.
I was angry to say the least. But more than that, I was hurt and hurt to the very core of my being. I could not stop crying and thinking about what she did. Her family was angry with me, because I could not let it go and let it smooth over.
I spoke to our Pastor’s wife Melba Berkheimer about the anger I was experiencing. Melba was not only a godly woman but also a Licensed Family Counselor. She told me I had to forgive her, but that was not what I wanted to hear.
She spoke of the forgiveness God sent his son to provide for me, and yes, yes I knew all that, but it was not an easy pill to swallow. She told me to write letters to the people involved, and offer my forgiveness for all the things Maggie did. Melba said forgiveness didn’t have anything to do with the way I felt, my forgiveness would free God to take the situation and make all things right again in his timing. She said the forgiving feelings in my heart would take time.
I wrote the letters but they were as cold as I was in my heart when I sent them. The relationship with Maggie did not recover until one day God began speaking with me to go by her house.
It took months of prodding and conviction from God, but one day after church I got in the car and went to see her. Don her husband was back in prison, and she was living the same kind of life as before we intervened. I asked her to forgive me for my hard heartedness toward her. God began to restore the relationship but it was a slow process.
A few weeks later she announced she would be having a complete knee replacement. The surgery was done in Lake Charles and after work I went over to check on her.
Shortly thereafter she was released and sent home. The knee was healing; she had even begun to walk some. Her family had started other medical testing they felt necessary at the time. It was after one of those tests that she went home and suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke in which she did not recover. She died a few days later after the family agreed to remove life support.
God knew her future and because he loved me and Maggie so much he brought us to a place of reconciliation before she was taken away. If I had not obeyed His voice and let my pride control me that reconciliation would not have taken place. I thank Him for that and I know I will see her again someday in Heaven, because she had given her heart to Jesus.
Her family has been estranged from me for the last 20 years because of the events that took place. About 6 months ago I was praying for the situation as I do from time to time, and God said send another letter. This time write down what I tell you, and don’t think twice about sending it. The letter was sent as follows:
Maggie’s family: No name here for obvious reasons:
Sometimes things can be better said in the written word than in person where emotions can rule the situation, and get in the way of what really needs to be said. So I hope you read this with a heart to listen and hear what is in my heart.
With as much as I know about Satan I wonder why I allowed him to manipulate me in such a way as to cause a split in our relationships. I take full responsibility for the things that have upset you and me and caused us grief.
There may be too much water under the bridge for us to ever achieve the relationship we once had years ago, but I want you to know that’s okay. God has a way of healing wounds in a way that can never heal on their own, and restore relationships in his own timing. For me there is no need to rehash the past or revisit the I said she said path. That is what the enemy would like us to do because he is in the blame game. God is only concerned with forgiveness.
Maybe God has been speaking to you as well about this subject, if so I hope you will forgive me for the past years I have allowed this to go on. Un-forgiveness will truly take its toll on a person’s life if it is not dealt with and given to God for healing. That is what I am doing, so please find it in your heart to forgive me as I lay this burden down and leave it finally at the feet of my Lord once and for all. It is my prayer that you find as much peace from this as I have.
To God be the glory.
I hope by telling my story it will help someone to see a little more clearly about un-forgiveness and forgiveness. If not dealt with soon it will eventually destroy you and the relationships of all involved.
When you store un-forgiveness or resentment in your heart, it is like a seed that grows whether you are conscience of it or not. At first it starts out as anger, it then turns into resentment and then bitterness.
* Forgiveness can't be based on feelings. Our feelings change. Forgiveness, however is an act of obedience. An act of faith....forgiveness is living free of consuming bitterness. *by Gigi Tchividjian.
Bitterness that begins to affect your mind and thoughts and how you view and treat others. Thank God I dealt with that before Maggie died, and I’ve left the other at the feet of Jesus. God knew!
* Forgiveness can't be based on feelings. Our feelings change. Forgiveness, however is an act of obedience. An act of faith....forgiveness is living free of consuming bitterness. *by Gigi Tchividjian.
Bitterness that begins to affect your mind and thoughts and how you view and treat others. Thank God I dealt with that before Maggie died, and I’ve left the other at the feet of Jesus. God knew!