Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Stroke

We all have stories and we are the only ones that can tell them.  My story is of what Jesus did for me as I called out in desperation for the life of my husband, Lovell.  How Jesus was near in this time of trouble.

Scripture states in Psalms 50:15 and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."  This scripture means so much to me because on June 6, 2006 I called out in desperation to Jesus and He heard me. 

It was Thursday afternoon, our usual day to work on the lawn.  When I arrived home from work,  I found Lovell sitting inside the house, drinking a cold glass of water while cooling off  from the work he had already begun outside.  We sat and talked for a while as we reviewed the day together.

A short while later, we both went back outside to finish up the yard work.  I went to the back yard to begin mowing the grass.  Lovell began using the weed-eater in the front yard.  Once he finished the front yard, he came to the backyard where I was, to finish up there.

The time was approching 7:00 pm but the temperature was still very hot.  I turned around  to look at Lovell and he was standing on the deck looking toward the lake.  I turned back around to resume my work, but Lovell remained standing and was very still.  A minute passed and I looked back again and asked him what he was doing.  He did not answer me and I knew something was not right.

I walked over to Lovell and immediately noticed he was in a dazed state.  He was holding the weed-eater in his hands, but he was not moving.  I spoke to him again and he did not answer.  I touched him and he felt like a stiff post.  I tried to guide him to a chair but he did not move or respond to me in any way. I moved the chair close by so I could sit him down, but I had to force him down into the chair.

At that time he begun to convulse and foam was coming from his mouth.  I screamed for help to the neighbors but no one heard me over the sounds of their own lawn mowers and weed-eaters.  I knew I had to call 911 and looked around for a phone but it was in the house.  I didn’t want to leave him alone, but I had no choice.

As Lovell sat slumped over and convulsing, I ran into the house and found a phone. I ran back to where Lovell was and dialed 911.  I screamed again for help, but still no one heard me.  At that moment I screamed, “Jesus help me, Jesus help me, Jesus help me!” and a thought came to my mind to get the water hose and spray him down.  I did just that! I misted him down until he was completely drenched with water, all the while constantly calling his name, trying to get a response from him.
The fire station on Meeks Drive is relatively close to our home and they were the first to arrive. The ambulance arrived soon after.  As they worked on Lovell, attempting to get a response,  I stood back and prayed in the Spirit.  At that point I did not care what I sounded like or what I looked like to the first responders, all I knew was I wanted Jesus in this situation.  Also, during this time I managed to call our son Tim to let him know what happened.  He was in Beaumont but left immediately to be with Lovell and me.

As they loaded him on the stretcher he begin to respond slowly to the voices around him. This was after he had convulsed for approximately 6-7 minutes.  I rode in the front seat with the ambulance driver making phone calls to Lovell’s mother, instructing her to also contact Cha-Chee, Lovell’s brother.  I‘m sure the driver must have thought I had lost my mind, because I also continued to pray in the Spirit.  But, at this point, I did not care.

When we arrived at the hospital, our son was waiting for us at the front door of the emergency room.  I wondered, How did he make it to the hospital from Beaumont before the ambulance?’  God surely protected him on his way to the hospital.  (My son, Timothy, what a comfort you were to your mom.  I will never forget. )

By this time Lovell was responding.  He was groogy… but responding!  The emergency room doctor came in and asked me what happened.  Being a nurse, I told him I thought he had a heat stroke as I relayed the story to him.  The doctor examined him and soon the battery of testing began.  As the test results started to come back the doctor came into the room and said to me, “He didn’t have a heat stroke. He recovered too fast.”

At that time Lovell was sitting up in the bed visiting with Pastor David, David Wagner, Tim and me.  Little did I know, the waiting room outside was filled with friends praying for Lovell.  Let me tell you, in times like these, church folks and care group members mean the most!

Lovell remained in the emergency room for a few more hours and was eventually admitted to the hospital for further testing.  However, I could not get the doctor’s statement about not having a heat stroke out of my mind.  But I put it on the back burner until I had more time to research at home.

He remained in the hospital over the weekend and was released on Sunday.  All of the tests came back with good reports, but because he had a convulsion, he was referred to a neurologist in Beaumont.  The testing and follow-up testing that was done during this time all came back with good reports.  Unfortunately, as a result of Lovell’s convulsion, by law he was unable to operate a motor vehicle for six months.

My research on heat strokes revealed that out of 7 symptoms of heat stroke, Lovell had 6 of the symptoms.  Heat strokes are a very serious life threatening occurrence and can be fatal.

I do not disrespect the physician that cared for him in the emergency room, but he didn’t know my God.  I believe until this day, when I heard that voice in my head that said,  Get the water hose and spray him down.” it was the voice of God giving me instructions to save his life.   HE was there when I called.

Psalm 50:15 and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."  By this testimony, I am honoring my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for hearing my desperate call.

He will hear you too.

Lovell and I have been married for 46 years and have two adult children and four grandchildren.  We have been attending Community Church for 35 years.  We are also Care Group Leaders and Prayer Partners within the church.