Thursday, March 15, 2012

When It All Began


As I have said before we all have stories to tell and we are the only one’s that can tell them.  It is my hope that some of you reading these stories began to think about your stories and put them on paper, if not for a blog for your own self and your grandchildren and their children.

I grew up in the church beginning as a small child when my grandparents picked me up on Sunday morning.  We drove to a very small Nazarene Church tucked in the woods of a north Louisiana town called Robeline.  This small town is sandwiched between two other towns that might be more recognizable called Natchitoches and Many LA.

I always enjoyed telling people where I'm from because Natchitoches is where those famous Christmas lights are displayed all along the river, and where the movie “Steele Magnolias” was filmed. It is a beautiful and quaint small city with rich history.

My family moved away from Robeline and to Orange, Texas when I was in the fourth grade. My dad was employed at The American Bridge Division Steele yard and we settled in one of the homes in Riverside. I loved living in Riverside there were so many kids to play with, and it was especially fun on Halloween because the candy we collected would last for weeks.

 (I’m not a proponent of Halloween as it is celebrated then or today. Back then I didn’t know what I know now).

My dad did not go to church, my mom only went occasionally. Somehow I found myself in a little Pentecostal church on  14th Street in Orange.  Pastor Stevens was the pastor there and I loved it.  I was not really into all the dos and don’t s of the Pentecostal Church I just liked being back in church fellow shipping with the kids.   

I remember on one occasion I was in Houston with this group of young people at a youth revival. We left the church in a car to go back to where we were staying, we crossed an unmarked railroad track and a train came roaring by and missed us by only a very few feet. It was such a close call I will never forget that moment when I was almost called into eternity.

I can tell you God had a plan for me all along and protected me even then. I know I site this scripture a lot but it is so true and one of my favorites.

In Jeremiah 29:11 scripture states:
11“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  God is so good.

I was about 13 years old and my family moved to a larger home in Riverside. I was the oldest of 3 kids with another on the way. Did I mention we moved across the sidewalk from Lovell and his family? OMG it was love at first site. I could not take my eyes off him, he was so good looking, but he did not know how I felt after all, he called me a “snotty nosed kid”.  I was not deterred, I always stayed up at night to watch him walk into the house after he had been out with friends.  

A short time later when I was 15 the Nazarene Church on 10th and Cherry was where I was calling home. I loved going to that church as well because the folks there were so loving and accepting of me. I found solid relationships there that lasted through high school. I still keep in touch with some of those guys through Facebook.

All through high school my feelings for Lovell did not change, but he did not know how I felt. My mom and dad began to have problems that lead to a divorce and we moved away to another place in Orange. When I graduated high school I asked him to take me to my graduation and party. He was nice and accepted. We did not date anymore after that until we saw each other at Zack's Hamburger. You remember the place where all the kids met and circled and circled until we found a parking place and with someone we wanted to talk.

I guess he saw something in me that night he had not noticed before and asked me to a New Year's dance at the DERA.  We dated 6 months and he asked me to marry him. Oh happy days my dreams had come true.  I was 18 and he was 21 when we married.

Now getting back to the story:
Lovell and I had been married a number of years and decided to take a road trip out west.  Tim our son was 8 and Erica our daughter was 4.  I started reading some books written about the ancient astronauts and that was the door that opened me up to the occult. 

I knew nothing of the occult, oh I knew there was a Devil and Hell but didn’t realize the implications of opening myself up to what is a very real and evil spirit world.  I was fascinated with the stories of demonic possession and people that spoke to the spirit world.  The more I read the more I was hooked. 

The entire trip I had a book in my hand reading something that pertained to that subject.  The reading continued even after we came home, not quite as much but enough to keep me interested. 

Lovell’s work caused him to have to leave home early to get there on time. 
I began watching television waiting for time to get Tim up for school; I was searching the stations which didn’t take long seeing as we only had 3 to search and I landed on PTL with Jim and Tammy Faye Baker.  I watched because I liked the music and the conversion.  And, there was nothing else on at that time.

 I continued to watch for a few weeks and thought Tammy Faye Baker was really weird the way she made herself up, but I could tell she loved the LORD.

One morning after Lovell left for work I turned the television on for my usual morning session with the Bakers, and as I sat there I began to feel afraid.  I had never felt afraid before sitting in the living room.

I began to feel a presence in the room a dark feeling like something was going to happen. The fear was almost over whelming for this young mom in the house alone with her 2 small kids.

I didn’t know what was going on but I knew enough about GOD to know I could call on him and he would listen.  Somehow I knew I had to ask for forgiveness of my sins and plead to him for help.  I did just that and at that moment Jesus came into my heart and drove out the darkness. 

I was concerned and wanted to learn what had happened to me.  The more I watched PTL the more I learned there is a spirit world out there and when I started to read those books I opened myself up to the Devil and the demonic world. 

Scripture states in 1 Peter 5:8

8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. “

I had been going to church for most of my life but had not learned a thing about the evil one at least not in that respect.  Say what you will about Jim and Tammy Baker of PTL, but I credit my salvation as an adult to those two ministers.  If the devil can get a hold of Jim and Tammy Faye as he did he can certainly come after me if I do not watch and submit to God. 

I finally got enough courage to tell Lovell about my new found faith; I say courage because we were frequent flyers at The Circle Club, The Texas Pelican, and some local bars in Bridge City.   I wasn’t sure how he was going to take the news.  I told him I didn’t feel good going to those places any more with the friends we had been seeing. Once those friends found out about me we were pretty much done in their circle anyway. 

Scripture states in 1 Corinthians 15:33 - 34

33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”[b] 34 Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning;  

WOW that pretty much says it all.

We started going back to the Nazarene church where we were married, it was good there and we went together as a family.  Lovell had not yet committed to the LORD but he never once pressured me about the friends we left behind or the clubs. 

One day my sister called me and asked us to go with her to a church on
16th street called Community Church.  I didn’t really want to go, but I did because she didn’t want to go alone.  Of all things, there was a Monk ministering that morning and I got nothing out of that.  Lovell didn’t go back, but I liked the music and there was something about that church.

The people there were friendly and I returned the next Sunday.  Lovell didn’t mind he just stayed home.   The kids and I walked in alone and sit on the second bench from the front.  I didn’t return to the Nazarene Church,  and began to settle in at Community Church. 

I joined a Tuesday morning bible study taught by Pastor Buck.  I loved hearing Pastor Buck teach.  I was so hungry for the Word; I hadn’t heard it taught like he was teaching. 

After a couple of years Pastor Buck announced he was leaving, and I was devastated.  I knew I would never love another pastor as I loved Pastor Buck. 
Well the job was on to find a new pastor and David Berkheimer came to try out.  Apparently he was receiving direction from God concerning a move from his present church in Rosenberg TX near Houston. 

I still remember the sermon he preached that morning. A few weeks went by and the call was made.  He was coming to Orange, we had a new pastor.  The rest is history; he stepped down as senior pastor July 31, 2011 after 32 years.

Again I was devastated; I sit under his ministry so long I thought nothing would ever be the same, but I vowed to support the new senior pastor.  Pastor David laid the foundation for what Community Church has become today, and Pastor Daniel is picking up the mantle with new vision and direction from GOD for Orange and the surrounding communities.  We the church are blessed to have him and Mary Beth as our leaders.

Well let me get back to the story:

Lovell did not chose to go with the kids and me to Community for a long time but GOD gave me a scripture that kept me strong and allowed him to come in when he was ready.

Scripture states in  1 Peter 3:1

“Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words but by the behavior of their wives.”

In other words keep your mouth shut and let GOD do the work.  In approximately 2 years he received salvation and was baptized.  I did not join the church for those years prior because I wanted us to join together as a family.  We have seen many mighty acts of GOD since then and we raised our children on the foundation of GOD’S Word.  Praise GOD they are doing the same.

The essential point of this story was to tell the account of the demonic encounter, and how if we open the door to that world evil will come in and try to devour us.  Always be watchful of what you read, watch on television and get involved with because he can sneak in and you may not even realize he is there until one day something dreadful happens to change the course of your life for the worst.  With Satan comes fear, confusion and disappointment,  And That Does Not Come From GOD.
As I said before God only wants the best for us.  He loves you so much even if you don’t love him.  He’s there waiting for you to call out to him and receive Jesus into your heart.


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